![]() 1650 London Edition |
![]() 1660 London Edition (revised) |
[ xxv ]
SIR, I am bound to thank you for the communication of your booke, which I have read with a great deale of delight and satisfaction; for the rarity of the subject, and the variety of your observations thereupon, which you have deduced with as much probability to make out your theme, as History can afford matter: I did shew it to another friend of great judgement and ingenuity, who was so taken with it, that he said he would have it to be coppied out at his cost, if you would not publish it to the world, which hee and I have resolved to importune you to doe: for although at first blush, the thing which you offer to be believed, will seeme to most men incredible, and extravigant; yet when all things are laid rationally and without prejudice together, there will be nothing of improbability found therein, which will not be swallowed up with the appearance of contrary likelyhoods, of things possible and lately attested by some to be truths: whereof to confirme your probable conjectures, I shall give you that information which is come to my hands at severall times in these late yeares, which you, (if you shall thinke fit) may publish to the world, as I have received them, which to the probability of your conjectures adde so much light, that if the things which I shall relate be not meere fictions (which I assure you are none of mine, for you shall have them without any addition, as I have received them) none can make any further scruple of the truth of your assertion; but before I come to particulars, I shall tell you of some thoughts which are come upon this occasion into my minde, concerning Gods way of dealing with mens spirits for the manifestation of his truth and wisdome to those that seeke after it; and concerning the wonderfull contrivances by which he brings his counsell to passe beyond all mens thoughts: I have observed, and every one that will take notice must needs perceive, that the spirits of men in reference to spiritual matters, whether divine or humane (by humane, I meane all matters of science and industry depending upon judgement and sagacity) are distinguishable into two kinds, the one are stedfast to some principles, and the other are unstable; this distinction in divine matters is clear, from 2 Pet. 3. 17. Jude, ver. 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21. and in humane matters wee need none other proofe but daily experience. Againe, these that are stedfast to their principles, will be found of two sorts; some are led in an ordinary common way and rest therein, admitting of nothing further then what they have attained unto; some (though they doe not undervalue the ordinary waies which in their owne kinds are usefull and necessary, yet they) aspire to something more then ordinary and rest not where they are, they believe that both in humane and divine matters, there is, as long as we are in this life, a plus ultra, and that we never ought to rest in seeking after the advancement of learning and the increase of knowledge, till wee shall come to see the Father of lights face to face; the different inclinations of these three sorts of men in the world, leading them to different courses and straines in their proceedings, and these begetting divers encounters amongst them wherein they disagree, and know not how to right matters towards one another for mutuall content and edification, are the causes of all our strife and confusion in all affaires, as well of Religious as of civill concernment; nor is it possible to be free from the disorders and distempers, which make the life of mankinde uncomfortable in this kind, and full of vexation, till God hath removed those that fall away from their owne stedfastnesse out of the earth, which will not come to passe till hee hath filled the earth with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea; till hee hath brought us all that are stedfast unto true principles, and that walke by rules, unto the unity of the faith and knowledge of the sonne of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ: which things because they are clearely promised, wee may expect shall come to passe, but till then we shall be carried differently about with severall winds of doctrine, and ensnared in our owne ignorance by the cunning craftinesse of men who lie in waite to deceive; for the unstable are either wickedly set to worke changes upon those that are setled for ends of their owne, or weakely carried up and downe through the uncertaine apprehensions of things differently represented unto them, sometimes one way and sometimes another; so that between the motions of mens spirits subtilly unstable tending to unsettle others, and weakely stable susceptible of any unsettlement from others, all our changes and disorderly carriages, both in divine and humane affaires doe arise; when either those that have no principles of truth to walke by, study lies to puzzle those that pretend to walke by rules, or those that have true principles vary from one another in their degrees of understanding, and in their manner of applying the same to advance knowledge, and to make discoveries of Gods manifestation of himselfe; for as these motions meet with one another in opposite courses, and men led thereby, stand by one another in disproportionat frames, or justle one another out of their places for contrary ends; so all our confusions and revolutions of Churches and States, and therein of scientificall straines, and of practicall undertakings, arise differently in the world: here then is a threefold diversity in acting, the changeable and moveable disposition of the one sort, is made to try the stability of the other two, and those that are setled in an ordinary way, are tryers to those that are led forth to something that is extraordinary; and those that upon allowed principles do rationally bring forth something more then ordinary, try the ingenuity of the other two, how farre they love truth for it selfe; So that each of these puts his neighbour to the triall of his property, and constraines him to manifest the nature of his way, how farre it is, or is not from God: And although every thing which is beyond the ordinary straine, is liable to be censured and contradicted by men of ordinary apprehensions. who condemne for the most part as extravagant and ridiculous whatsoever is not levell with their capacities; yet I am inclined to believe, that there is alwaies something of God in all men, that are led forth by extraordinary motions, namely when their spirits doe not reject the common true principles, and yet are raised above them, to apprehend conclusions and inferences which are not common; and when their affections are regularly constant to their workes, and their undertakings pursued with sobriety in the feare of God, then I conceive that God hath put upon them a speciall stampe and character of his vertue, by which he doth fit them for some designe and service whereunto he hath raised them. I have observed this in very many men of publike spirits, most commonly they have bin laught at by others for going out of the common road-way of acting; whether to make good some opinions, which others never dreamt of, or to doe some businesse which others have thought impossibilities to be effected; (I say) I have observed, that when they have been led forth with modesty, without selfe conceitednesse and vanity, and when they have prosecuted their enterprises with remarkable perseverance, that God hath made them one way or other remarkably instrumentall and usefull towards their generation for the advancement of his worke, which is the reformation of this world, and the restauration of all things by the kingdom of Iesus Christ, whereunto all extraordinary gifts, and the unusuall leadings forth of mens spirits are preparatives. I could instance in severall men which I have known, and doe know abroad and at home, of severall professions, whose studies and endeavours have been lookt upon as whimsies and extravagancies by the road-way-men of that profession; and yet I am perswaded that they are led and acted by that Spirit which leadeth the children of God in all truth; and because other men otherwise rationall and observant, (who though not altogether destitute of the spirit, yet are not raised above the ordinary pitch) do not know the drift of the spirit of these; therefore these are lookt upon by them as men of odde conceits: I have seen some of the great Rabbies of our times, heretofore much scandalized at the proposals and undertakings of Mr Comenius; but it hath pleased God to assist him so with grace, and support him with constancy in his way, notwithstanding many trialls and temptations; that he hath been able during his ownelife, to see the usefulnesse of some of his endeavours, whereof a more full account will be given to the world very shortly. I could speake of others, whose attempts, though not so apparantly successefull during their life, yet no lesse usefull in their kind, and which in due time, will prove the grounds of great advantages and discoveries unto posterity, although in the generation where their lot is fallen to live, they have not been believed nor received. Gods way to dispence grace is not according to outward appearances, and for this cause, the multitude doth not entertaine the instruments thereof with due esteem, nor the meanes by which it is offered to the world with respect, because they come in a homely dresse, and without the affectation of any shew; neverthelesse wisdom at all times is justified by her children, and there take notice of her paths, and trace the counsell of God therein, for they can see that Gods waies and counsels reach from end to end, and that he comprehends in his aime both that which is past, and that which is present, and that which is to come in future ages; so that in the conclusion of all, he will make it appeare, that the unusuall motions of his servants, which the world have disesteemed and counted foolishnesse, have been the extraordinary worke of his Spirit in them, whereby he doth convince the world of sinne, of righteousnesse, of judgement: of sinne, because the testimony which they bore to the truth was not received; of righteousnesse, because they who served their generation faithfully with the righteous use of their talent in the midst of scorners, are justly taken away from an unthankfull generation and the evill day, to rest from their labours, that their workes may follow them; and of judgement, because the selfe conceited pride and partiality of the wise and prudent of this world, shall be judged and condemned by the worke of his spirit, when he shall bring all the effects thereof together to make out his compleate designe against the world, and by the conjunction of the seemingly scattered parts which his servants have acted upon their stages, produce the new frame of a perfect Scene, the catastrophe whereof shall make up a building fit for the kingdom of his Son. I am fallen upon these thoughts, and acquaint you thus with them, partly to support mine owne spirit against the contradictions which I meet withall in the way wherein God hath set me, for the constant prosecution of peace and truth without partiality amongst my brethren; partly to apologize for the drift of your spirit, whereby I perceive you have been led these many yeares in some of your studies; for it is very evident to me, that you have sought after a matter, which to most men will seem incredible, rediculous and extravagant; and to tell you the truth, before I had read your discourse and seriously weighed matters, when I thought upon your theme, that the Americans should be of the seed of Israell, it seemed to me somewhat strange and unlikely to have any truth in it; but afterward when I had weighed your deduction of the matter, and lookt seriously upon Gods hand in bringing into those parts of the World where the Americans are, so many religious professors, zealous for the advancement of his glory, and who are possessed with a beliefe from the Scriptures, that all the Tribes of Israell shall be called to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, before the the end of the world: and when I had recollected and laid together some other scattered and confused thoughts which at several times I have received, partly from the places of Scripture, which foretell the calling of the Jewes, and their restitution to their owne land, together with the bringing back of the ten Tribes from all the ends and corners of the earth, partly from some relations which I had heard a few yeeres agoe concerning the ten Tribes, which the Jewes here in Europe had given out; and partly from the observations of Gods way, which he seemes to make by all these changes, and the dissolution of the States and Empires of the world, towards some great worke, and extraordinary revolution which may shortly come to passe: all which things when I had called to mind and represented unto my selfe, I was so far from derogating any thing from that which you have conjectured concerning the American Indians; that I beganne to stand amazed at the appearances of the probabilities which so many waies offered themselves unto me, to make out and confirme the effect of that which you have said: And then I begun also upon another account, to wonder at the strangenesse of Gods conduct over your spirit, that he should have set you a worke twelve or more yeeres agoe, after the search of such a matter, by historicall observations, whereof then so few, and almost no footsteps at all were extant to be traced, and whereof now, of a suddaine, the world is like to be filled with such evidences, that it wil be an astonishment to all that shall heare of it, and lay it to heart; and that all who have any ingenuity will be constrained to confesse, that indeed there is a God who ruleth in the earth, and that he hath ordered the affaires of the Nations by an universal providence, to bring to passe his own counsels, and that the things which hee hath revealed by his word, should in the latter times be accomplished; for to my apprehension, this will be the great benefit of these discoveries; namely, that the mouths of Atheists will be stopped, and convicted of irrationality and foolishnesse: For when it shall appear to all men undeniably, that the transmigration of Nations, and the affaires of this world, have not been carried hitherto by meere chance, or by the craftinesse of humane counsels, or by force; but by the wisdome of a Supreame conduct, who hath ordered all things from the beginning towards an end which hath been foreknown, and to a designe foretold. (I say) when this shall appeare, and that in the midst of all these changes and confusions, there is a conduct over-ruling the force of man, and disappointing the councels of the crafty; then the eyes of all men will be upon the Lord, and God alone will be exalted in righteousnesse, and the Holy one of Israell in judgement: For seeing it is evident that the ten Tribes of Israell have been as it were lost in the world neare about the space of two thousand yeeres, if now they should againe appeare upon the stage, first as it were in another world by themselves, and then afterward speedily come from thence hither to the land of their ancient inheritance, where they shall be joyned to their brethren the Jews (which is clearly foretold by the Prophets shall come to passe) if (I say) those things should now begin to come to passe, what can all the world say otherwise, but that the Lords counsell doth stand, and that he hath fulfilled the words spoken by his Servants the Prophets concerning Israel; that although all the sinfull kingdoms of the Nations shall be destroyed from off the face of the earth, yet that the house of Jacob shall not be utterly destroyed, but shall be corrected in measure, for loe I will command (saith God by the Prophet) and I will sift the house of Israell among all Nations, like as corne is sifted in the sieve, yet shall not the least graine fall upon the earth. These Prophecies must needs be fulfilled, if there be a God in heaven who hath foretold them, and when he shall make this his word good unto Israell, he will thereby make it undeniably apparent, that it was he himselfe and none other who did foretell it: and that it is also none but hee who brings the worke about beyond all humane appearances, according as he did foretell it: and by all this he will shew to all the world, that which he oft-times repeates by the Prophet Isaiah, that he alone is the Saviour, and that there is none besides him, Isa. 45. 5, 6, 15. till the end. The destruction then of the spirituall Babylon by the restauration of Israel, shall make out this to all the earth, that God alone is the Lord over all, and the Saviour of the people that put their trust in his name. Now the appearances which offer themselves unto me, that these Prophecies are towards their accomplishment, are many, which now I shall not insist upon, (perhaps God will direct me to declare them in due season more fully then now I can intend) but I shall onely mention that which I find to be a confirmation of your conjecture, leaving it to your owne discretion, what use you will make of it. First then I shall impart unto you some stories which I heard five or six yeeres agoe, when I was in the Low Countries, concerning the ten Tribes; and then I shall adde some information concerning the state of the Iewes in our Europaean and Asiatique worlds, which I have learned at other times by some providences which God hath offered unto mee; and upon the whole matter I shall leave you to your further conjectures, by that which I shall guesse at. The first story which I heard was at the Hague, a person of chief quality about the Queen of Bohemia, and one of her Counsell, and a discerning godly man, and my speciall friend told me, that the Jew (a Jeweller residing ordinarily at the Hague ) whom I knew, had been there at Court, and with great joy had told, that they of his Nation had received from Constantinople Letters, bringing to them glad tidings of two speciall matters fallen out there; the one was, that the Grand Seignior had remitted the great taxes which formerly had been laid upon the Jewes of those parts, so that now they were in a manner free from all burthens, paying but a small and inconsiderable matter to that Empire; the other was, that a messenger was come unto the Jewes who reside neere about the Holy Land, from the ten Tribes, to make enquiry concerning the state of the Land; and what was become of the two Tribes and the half which was left in it, when they were transported from thence by Salmanasser. This Messenger was described to be a grave man, having some attendance in good equipage about him. He told them that the people from which hee was sent were the Tribes of Israel, which in the daies of Hosea the King, were carried captives out of their owne Land by the King of Assyria, who transported them from Samaria into Assyria and the Cities of the Medes; but they being grieved for the tronsgressions which caused God to be angry with them, they tooke a resolution to separate themselves from all Idolaters, and so went from the Heathen where they were placed by Salmanassar, with a resolution to live by themselves, and observe the Commandements of God, which in their owne Land they had not observed: in prosecuting this resolution, after a long journey of a yeere and six moneths, they came to a countrey wholly destitute of inhabitants, where now they have increased into a great Nation, and are to come from thence into their owne Land by the direction of God; and to shew them that hee was a true Israelite, hee had brought with him a Scroule of the Law of Moses, written according to their custome. The Gentleman who told me this story, as from the mouth of the Jew, said that it brought to his mind fully (by reason of the agreement of circumstances almost in all things) the story which is recorded in the Second Booke of Esdras, which is called Apocrypha, Chap. 13. ver. 40. till 50. which will be found a truth if that Messenger came and made this Narrative. This was the first story; and not long after viz. Within the space of five or six moneths, a little before I came from the Low Countries, I was told of a Jew who came from America to Amsterdam, and brought to the Jewes residing there, newes concerning the ten Tribes; that hee had been with them upon the border of their Land, and had conversed with some of them for a short space, and seen and heard remarkable things whiles he stayed with them, whereof then I could not learn the true particulars; but I heard that a Narrative was made in writing of that which he had related, which before I went from Holland last, I had no time to seeke after, but since the reading of your Booke, and some discourse I have had with you about these matters, I have procured it from the Low Countries, and received a Copie thereof in French, attested under Manasseh Ben Israel his hand, that it doth exactly agree with the originall, as it was sent me, the translation thereof I have truly made without adding or taking away any thing; and because I was not satisfied in some things, and desired to know how farre the whole matter was believed among the Jewes at Amsterdam, I wrote to Manasseh Ben Israel, their chiefe Rabbi, about it, and his answer I have gotten in two Letters, telling me that by the occasion of the Questions which I proposed unto him concerning this adjoyned Narrative {This narrative so attested and translated, is at the end of this Book.} of Mr. Antonie Monterinos, hee to give me satisfaction, had written insteed of a Letter, a Treatise, which hee shortly would publish, and whereof I should receive so many Copies as I should desire: In his first Letter dated Novem. last, 25. he saies that in his treatise he handles of the first inhabitants of America, which he believes were of the ten Tribes; moreover, that they are scattered also in other Countries, which he names, and that they keepe their true Religion, as hoping to returne againe into the Holy land in due time. In his second Letter, dated the twenty three of December, he saies more distinctly thus: I declare how that our Israelites were the first finders out of America; not regarding the opinions of other men, which I thought good to refute in few words onely: and I thinke that the ten Tribes live not onely there, but also in other lands scattered every where; these never did come backe to the second Temple, and they keep till this day still the Jewish Religion, seeing all the Prophecies which speake of their bringing backe unto their native Soile must be fulfilled: So then at their appointed time, all the Tribes shall meet from all the parts of the world into two provinces, namely Assyria and Egypt, nor shall their Kingdome be any more divided, but they shall have one Prince the Messiah the Sonne of David. I do also set forth the Inquisition of Spaine, and rehearse divers of our Nation, and also of Christians, Martyrs, who in our times have suffered severall sorts of torments, and then having shewed with what great honours our Jewes have been graced also by severall Princes who professe Christianity. I prove at large, that the day of the promised Messiah unto us doth draw neer, upon which occasion I explaine many Prophecies, &c. By all which you see his full agreement with your conjecture concerning the Americans, that they are descended of the Hebrewes: when his booke comes to my hand, you shall have it God willing. In the meane time I shall adde some of my conjectures concerning the Jewes which live on this side of the world with us in Europe and Asia; these are of two sorts or Sects, the one is of Pharisees, the other of Caraits, the Pharisees in Europe and Asia are in number farre beyond the Caraits, they differ from one another wheresoever they are, as Protestants doe from Papists; for the Pharisees, as the Papists, attribute more to the Authoritie and traditions of their Rabbies and Fathers, then to the word of God; but the Caraits will receive nothing for a rule of faith and obedience but what is delivered from the word of God immediately: and their name imports their profession, that they are readers of the Text, or Textuaries, for so the word [ --- ] you know when it relates to bookes and writings, is to be rendred. These two Sects are irreconcilably opposite to each other, and as the Papists deale with Protestants, so do the Pharisees with the Caraits, they persecute and suppres them and their profession by all the meanes they can possibly make use of: Nay as Mr Ritangle (of whom I have all the informations which I know concerning the Caraits) tels me, the hatred of the Pharisees is so fierce against their opposites the Caraits, that they have Anathematized them so, as never to be reconciled unto them; insomuch, that it is counted unlawfull so much as to speake to any of them, or to any that belongeth unto them, but at the distance of foure cubits at least; their Bookes and all things belonging to them, are avoided as things abominable and to be abhorred; nor will the Pharisees, although the Caraits should become penitent, and desire to be joyned to their Congregations, and renounce their owne way, admit of them as a Caraite reconciled unto them: but the Caraite must first become a Christian, a Mahumetan, or an Idolater, before he can be admitted to joyne with them, that it may never bee said that a Pharisee was reconciled to a Caraite, or that a Caraite is become a Pharisee. As their principles and affections are thus different, so are their opinions, and the course of their life extremely opposite; the Pharisees are full of superstitious imaginary foolish conceits, and thalmudicall questions and nicities in their Sermons and Bookes; the Caraits are rationall men that take up no doctrines but what the Scriptures teach, by comparing one text with another: The Pharisees have wild and extravagant fancies concerning the Messiah and his reigne; but the Caraits have true grounds of spirituall and raised thoughts concerning the Messiah and his Kingdome, little different from that which the better sort of Christians truly believe, and professe of these misteries. The Pharisees in their Sermons insist upon nothing but their traditions and ceremonies, and foolish curiosities; but the Caraits insist onely upon necessary and profitable duties, teaching the way of Godlinesse and honesty, to bring men from the outward forme to the inward power and spirituall performance of divine worship. As concerning their course of life, the Pharisees live every where by a way of trading & usury, which is destructive to those with whom they have commerce; but the Caraits abhor that way, as pestilent unto humane societies, and betake themselves to trades, and manufactures, to become husbandmen, and servants in the places where they live, and to serve as Souldiers under the Magistrate, who doth protect them. This being the state and difference of these two Sects, (as he who in Asia and some part of Europe hath been above twenty yeers conversant with them, and a Doctor in their Synagogues, hath informed me) I shall acquaint you with my Conjectures concerning the event of our present troubles in the world over all, and the revolution of the Jewish state, which are these; that it is not unlikely to me that the issue and effect of these changes which now are wrought, and afoot to bee wrought in the world, (wherein the highest powers are shaken, and a generall distresse is brought upon all the Nations of the earth) will be a breaking of the yokes of tyranny and oppression, under which not onely the Jewes every where groan, but with them most of the Gentiles, or rather all of them that are under an arbitrary power of absolute Potentates, and superstitious selfe-seeking teachers; that the breaking of these yokes is already a great way advanced. First, in the Easterne China Empire by the invasion of the Tartarians. Secondly, in the Northerne and Easterne Mahometane Empire, by the changes brought upon, and likely to fall out in the Ottoman house and line; and by the liberty which of late hath been granted to the Jewes, not onely from taxes, but of repairing to Jerusalem, and having Synagogues there, which heretofore was utterly prohibited. Thirdly, in the Westerne, which is called the Roman or German Empire, by these late troubles, and the assistance which the King of the North the Swede, hath given to Protestants to maintaine their liberty: All the power of these yokes must yet further be broken in the Supreame and Subordinate Ministers thereof; in respect of the whole bodies of these Empires, and of the particular Kingdomes and States which resort under the same; for all Nations by the light of naturall reason, but chiefely those, whom the Gospel hath enlightned, and prepared in a measure, to apprehend the hope of the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God, will more and more every where resent their priviledge and right to a freedome, from which they have been restrained, by the mistery of iniquity in spirituall and corporall matters; and when the grounds of righteous order, of impartiall love to mankinde, and of common preservation, shall breake forth at last, and be taken notice of in the midst of these confusions and great troubles which fall upon all sorts of men; then the Jewes will come and appeare in their owne ranke, and for their own interest, they will by others be respected; for their interest will be upon the dissolution of the Mahometan, to resist and oppose the Spanish Monarchy, that it may not propagate it selfe Eastward, and Southward, beyond the Mediterranean Sea; and that the Inquisition by which they have been so cruelly persecuted, may be every where abolished; but above all things, kept out of the holy Land and their beloved City Jerusalem: If then there should be any transactions (as it is said there is like to be) between the Ottoman house and the house of Spaine about the Holy Land, the Jewes who are now at some liberty there, and begin from all parts of the Earth to lift up their eyes to looke thitherward, will quickely resent it, and finde their interest to be the enjoyment of their owne inheritance; and to helpe them to it, they will finde assistance from all Christians that are not slaves to superstition and tyranny, and that assistance and favour which by such Christians will be given them, may in Gods hand be a meanes to open the Pharisee his eyes, to see somewhat in Christianity, from which he hath been hitherto blinded, by reason of the prejudice which the Idolatry of the Papall Sea, and the Spanish Inquisition hath begotten in him. As for the Caraits, God hath so ordered it, that the greatest bodies of them are in the Northerne parts of the World, by which the ten Tribes, if ever they come to the Holy Land, are like to come; there be some few in Russia, some in Constantinople, some in Alcair, some in Persia, and some in other places of Asia and of Africa; but Mr Ritangle told me that their chiefe bodie is amongst the Asiatique and European Tartarians, who now appeare upon the stage as beginning to be conquerers. For besides that which they doe fully possesse in China, they have tasted somewhat of a victorious progresse of late in Poland, and they are the next pretenders to the Ottoman Crowne, if the line faile, which is like to be: their rising and dissipation abroad from their owne enters to their circumferences towards neighbour Nations, will weaken them at home; and if then, when they are not strong within their owne bounds, and by their invasions have weakened their neighbours Southward on; God call the ten Tribes to march toward the place of their inheritance: the Caraits their brethren will be leaders of them on their way, and so their march may be, as Manasseh Ben Israel saith, to make their Rendezvous in Assyria; and on the other side, the Jewes that are Pharisees, may make their Rendezvous from Arabia and other neighbouring places, and out of all Europe into Egypt; that so when the Shunamite shall returne (as it is said in the Canticles, chap. 6. ver. 13.) the world may looke upon her, and may see in her the company of two Armies, which both shall look towards Jerusalem. Then will the great battaile of Harmageddon be fought, whereunto all these troubles and changes are but preparatives: then shall the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, prevaile mightily over the spirits of all men; the two edges thereof on the right hand and on the left, will cut sharpe, and pierce to the dividing asunder of soule and spirit, and of the joynts and marrow, and to the discerning of the thoughts and intentions of the heart: and when this sword shall be thus powerfull in the hands of his Saints, (the true Protestants with the one troope, and the true Caraits with the other) then shall be fulfilled the Prophecie of the Psalmist, that vengeance shall be executed upon the Heathen, and punishments upon the people; that their Kings shall be bound with chaines, and their Nobles with fetters of iron; and that the honour due to all Saints shall be given them, to be made executioners of the judgement written in the word of God against them. We know not how neare these things are at hand, let us therefore be watchfull, and put on the armour of light, to be ready, when the Bridegroome comes, to goe with him in our wedding garment, having our lamps burning, and provision of oile, into the wedding chamber. And to this effect, the Lord teach us to be diligent, to be found of him in peace, without spot and blamelesse, that in the midst of these fightings and confusions, we may not be found as many are, smiting their fellow servants, eating and drinking largely of the spoile of those that are spoiled, and being drunken with the passions of malice, entertained for the revenge of injuries, or of covetousnesse and ambition, prosecuted for self-interests: and with this prayer I shall commend you to the grace of God, and rest,
Your faithfull friend and
St Iames, this
fellow labourer in the Gospel of Christ. 27 Ian. 1649/50.
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![]() Part Second. Some contrary reasonings removed, and first in the generall. CHAP I. There be some that by irrefragable arguments, they suppose, evince and overthrow all conjectures that the Americans be Jewes: Apocryphall Esdras in Historicalls may be of some credit, and that sentence of his by many is applyed to this very purpose; and these very people, the ten tribes led away captive by Salmanasar, tooke this counsell among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the Heathen, and goe forth into a farther Countrey, where__________ "...goe forth into a farther countrey, where never man dwelt" -- cf. Ether 2:5: "...go forth into... that quarter where there never had man been." -- This textual parallel was first noticed by Brigham H. Roberts -- see his posthumous 1985 Studies of the Book of Mormon p. 186. See also the text describing "Arsareth" on Abraham Ortelius' "Map No. 163" in his 1570 Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; José de Acosta's 1604 Natural & Moral History bk. I, ch. 23, p. 75; Menasseh ben Israel's 1650 Hope of Israel page 10; Elias Boudinot's 1816 comments on "the account given by Esdras;" and Rev. Ethan Smith's 1823 comments on 2 Esdras xiii. never man dwelt, that they might there keepe their statutes, which they never kept in their owne land, and they entred into Euphrates, by the narrow passages of of the river, for through that Countrey there was a great way to goe, namely of a yeere and an halfe, and the same Region is called Arsareth, &c. 2 Esdr. 13. 40. &c. (a) Acosta is of opinion that these words thus produced by many, make in truth against this conjecture, and that for two reasons. 1. The ten Tribes went so farre to keepe their statutes and ceremonies, but these Indians observe none of them, being given up to all Idolatries: And is this at all consequent, such was their purpose, therefore the successe must be answerable? is it likely they should be so tenacious in a farre and forraigne land, that never kept them in their owne, as the next words expresse? His second Argument is of like force, for tis not said, that Euphrates and America be contiguous, or places so neere one the other, much-lesse that the entries of that River should stretch to the Indies; but hee tells of a very long journey taken by them, suitable to the places of their removall, and approach, which was to a Countrey where never man dwelt, and what Countrey could this be but America? all other parts of the world being then knowne and inhabited: Besides there hath bin a common tradition among the Jews, and in the world, that those ten tribes are utterly lost; in what place are they then like to be found if not in America? for they shall be found againe. Some conjectures that they came from Norway, and be of that nation, have bin mentioned, with the improbability also thereof; and now lately T. Gage sets forth his new survey of the West Indies, his long abode there, and diligent observation of many, very many remarkable passages in |
IN AMERICA, OR Probabilities, that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some Additionals to the former Conjectures. An Accurate DISCOURSE is premised of Mr. John Elliot, (who first preached the Gospel to the Natives in their own Language) touching their Origination, and his Vindication of the P L A N T E R S. Psal. 59. 11. Slay them not, lest my people forget, scatter them by thy power. Ezek. 34.6. My sheep wandred through all the mountains, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them. Greg, in Cant. 6. 13. Bene quater reverti unamitisadmonetur, quod in quatuor mundi partes Judcei dispersisunt, qui ubicunq; fuerint, in fine convertentu. ---- Hcec scripsit, non ut Doctor perfectus, sedcum docendis perficiendus. Aug. Epist. 130. THO. THOROWGOOD S.T.B Norfolciencis. L O N D O N, Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivie-Lane. 1660. |